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Author: incik mumu

thankx kat sesape yg wish besday aku.. really appreciate it.. pd sesaper yg wish tuh aku mintak mahap klu ader yg tlmbat trime kata2 "tq" dr aku.. bkn ar aku da tido atawpn xdek kedit, atawpn mls nk reply.. tp aku bru jek msok shift keje time tuh.. ms tuh agak bz sket sbb pralihan tugas nga blaku (cewah, ayt xleh blah) n it took some time for me to reply ur msj, friends..

even xrmai yg wish kat aku (klu rmai sgt pn xtlarat lak nk lyn kang kn) tp aku sgt2 bsyukur sbb most of my close friends ingt ag besday aku.. guys, u are de best, forever n ever.. one of them say sorry sbb nk bg adiah lmbt.. but honestly, aku xmharap adiah pn ntok besday aku neh.. korg da wish kat aku neh pn aku da aser best sesangat.. it shows that i still got friends behind my back n doesnt feel abandoned (cewah..)

btway, again, thnkx kat saper2 yg wish kat aku n pd yg xwish tuh, sndri mau ingt ar.. hahahaha.. xdek ar, mlawak jek.. btwy, thnkx again.. i guess, until next time.. aku nk g smbung keje blik (aku ngular jap smate2 nk post entry neh, hehe).. last but not least, i hope u guys have a pleasent n wonderful day ahead..

p/s : epy besday also to sham n sepul fitri (who has de same birth date with me)

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